The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade

2. 1886/87 - 59. 1922

The American Garden

1. 1880/81

2. 1881

3. 1882

5. 1884


7. 1886

8. 1887

9. 1888


11. 1890

12. 1891

1892 merged with Popular Gardening to form American gardening

The American Gardener's Magazine (Boston)

1. 1835

2. 1836

1. 1835, 2. 1836 (large pictures)

American Gardening (New York)

13.1892 - 25. 1904

The American horticulturist (Detroit)

1. 1885/86

2. 1886

The American Journal of horticulture and florist's companion (Tilton's Journal of horticulture and florist's companion)

1. 1867

2. 1867

3. 1868

4. 1868

5. 1869

6. 1869

Annals of horticulture in North America

1889 (1890)

1890 (1891)

1892 (1893)

1893 (1894)

Annual report of the secretary of the State Horticultural Society of Michigan

1880 - 1921

Annual report of the secretary of the State Pomological Society of Michigan

1873 - 1879

Annual report of the State Horticultural Society of Missouri

26. 1884

27. 1885

28. 1886

29. 1887

29. 1887

31. 1889

32. 1890

33. 1890

33. 1891

34. 1892

35. 1893

36. 1893

36. 1894

37. 1895

38. 1896

40. 1898

42. 1900

43. 1901

44. 1902

46. 1903

47. 1904

48. 1905

Biennial Report of the Board of Horticulture of the State of Oregon

1900, 1902, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1921

Bulletin / New York State Agricultural Experiment Station

1885 - 1970

Cornell University / Agricultural Experiment Station: Bulletin

1. 1888 - 1088. 1970

The Florist and Horticultural Journal

1. 1852

2. 1853

3. 1854

4. 1855

The Florists' exchange

5. 1892/93 - 54.1922

Garden and Forest; a journal of horticulture, landscape art and forestry

1. 1888

2. 1889

3. 1890

4. 1891

5. 1892

6. 1893

7. 1894

8. 1895

9. 1896

10. 1897

The Garden magazine

1. 1905 - 35. 1922

Gardeners' chronicle of America

16. 1912 - 27. 1923

The Gardener's monthly and horticultural advertiser

1. 1859 - 17. 1875

18. 1876 - 29. 1887

Gardening (Chicago)

1. 1892/93 - 28. 1919/20

Horticulture (Boston)

2. 1905 - 31./ 32. 1919

The Horticulturist, and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste

1. 1846/ 47

2. 1847/ 48

3. 1848/ 49

4. 1849/ 50

5. 1850

6. 1851

7. 1852

8. (= N. S. 3.) 1853

9. (= N. S. 4.) 1854

10. (= N. S. 5.) 1855

11. 1856

12. 1857

13. 1858

14. 1859

15. 1860

16. 1861

17. 1862

18. 1863

19. 1864

20. 1865

21. 1866

22. 1867

23. 1868

24. 1869

Journal of the Horticultural Society of New York

1906 - 1914, 1921 - 1924

The Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and all Useful Discoveries (Boston)

3. 1837 – 34. 1868

Meehans' monthly : a magazine of horticulture, botany and kindred subjects

1. 1891 - 12. 1902

New England farmer, and gardener's journal

1835 - 1839

Proceedings of the annual convention of the society of American Florists

2. 1886 - 31/32. 1915

Proceedings of the ... session of the American Pomological Society

19. 1883 (1884)

Quarterly of the American Primrose Society

1. 1943 -

Report of the Wisconsin State Horticultural Society for the year

1864 - 1868

1869 (1870)

Transactions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society

1829 - 1963

Transactions of the Wisconsin State Horticultural Society

1870/71 (1871) - 1888 (1889)

Vick's illustrated monthly magazine

1. 1878 - 14. 1891

Wisconsin horticulture

1. 1910/11 - 51. 1967

Yearbook of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society


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